Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sweet Talk

Reading a recent post from Kim reminded me of a few cute conversations between my wife and me.

A few years ago…

Wife: “You don’t have to have meat with every meal.”

Arky: “That’s right. You can substitute it with eggs or peanut butter which is OK as long as you have bacon or sausage to go with it.”

A few years before that, at home for lunch…

Wife: “Would you like a cookie?”

Arky: “YEAH!”

Wife: *puzzled*

Arky: “What about [our daughter]? Are you going to put her down for a nap first?”

Wife: *puzzled*

Arky: *puzzled at her puzzled*

Wife: “Oh! No. I said ‘cookie’. C-O-O-K-I-E.”

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