Monday, July 17, 2006

But is that bad?

I have heard that Israel's response to the kidnapping of their soldiers is "disproportionate." What would a "proportionate" response be?

If they go an eye-for-an-eye, their state will be gone in no time. I would argue that for them, going an eye-for-an-eye would only exacerbate their problems. Just look at the exchange rate: one Israeli soldier for 1,000 arabs.*

I will not argue that the Israeli response is "proportionate." By all accounts it is not. Given their situation though, their response is the best way to ensure their longevity.

* Figures provided by the Hammas Bureau for Terrorist Affairs. Daily rates may vary.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

An Advocate

In Washington D.C. guns are not allowed. In much of Illinois it is illegal to have a gun. IANSA believes that private gun ownership should be globally banned; that only government employees should own guns.

It is unfortunate that the U.S. judicial system has many laws that conflict with each other. Our Bill of Rights more or less guarantee us the ability to defend ourselves from goons, thugs, and our own government.

I read a report just recently of an Illinois police officer who stalked and raped women. This is not the first time I have heard of such things. It probably wont be the last.

Here is where I go out on a limb...

I advocate breaking carry laws in Illinois and Washington D.C. I understand that advocating people break laws is a Bad Thing. Since these laws are contrary to other laws, the only way to keep out of trouble is not to advocate anything.

Oh well. Perhaps trouble will be fun too.