I heard that Senator Harry Reid confirmed telling bloggers that General Peter Pace is "incompetent."
His contention was that Gen. Pace performed poorly as an advisor" on the Iraq war. Would the Senator care to qualify that? Is he upset that our military has not killed every terrorist there or is he upset that our military has conducted wonderfully despite his efforts to hamstring them and curtail the President's war efforts.
What would he say is performing well? A general that parrots him would be my guess. He would like a general that supports withdrawing from Iraq and says President Bush is a Bad Person.
I have the impression that Senator Reid does not like that General Pace disagrees with him. General Pace does not support his agenda. General Pace is not a Democratic lemming.
Unfortunately, Senator Reid is the Majority Leader and can use his position to keep General Pace from being reappointed. I think that is a shame and our military will suffer because of it.
A Dying Spider
16 years ago
[i]A general that parrots him would be my guess. He would like a general that supports withdrawing from Iraq and says President Bush is a Bad Person.[/i]
At first, I couldn't decide whether I agreed that a general that parroted him would be Good in Harry's eyes. When that general fails, demonstrably, would that not be a failure for Harry? But then I remembered (it's not natural to think this way) that failure is the [i]object[/i]. If they all go in claiming that failure is inevitable and fail, they're proven correct.
Nevermind that whole self-fulfilling prophecy thing. I guess asking them to recognize that would be unfair given their inability to reason....
I can appreciate the balancing act that generals must maintain when dealing with politicians. Many of them are politicians themselves either out of want or need. They cannot tell the Senate Majority Leader to pound sand regardless of who he is or what he says.
We had a number of generals during Clinton's years that faced that same dillema. How do you tell your boss that you didn't vote for him and then expect him to support you?
I cannot speak for my fellow Marine but I would like to think that once he has been discharged, General Pace calls Senator Reid and tells him to stuff it.
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