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(I originally asked this in a politics forum to someone working for the census bureau but never received a reply.)"Here's something that's bothering me. Illegal aliens get counted in the census. However, they are not legally allowed to vote. If there is no way to determine who's legal and who isn't by the census, aren't the census numbers skewed when determining representatives for an area?It seems people who live in an area with heavy illegal concentrations will have more influence over those with less. (E.g. 1 U.S. rep / 690,000 people. If 1/3 of the people in a given district are illegal and can technically not vote, doesn't that give the other 2/3 greater influence than areas that have almost no illegals?)"
I again find myself wondering about the use of the word "Happy" to preceed "Memorial Day" in greeting.I still contend that it is not only proper but appropriate as well.This year I am going to "go one further." Other countries should be wishing us a happy Memorial Day. Especially those who we have "invaded."We have made extraordinary efforts to keep civilian suffering to a minimum in Iraq and Afghanistan and often to our detriment. Countries that have been touched by American Servicemen in the last one hundred years are among the most prosporous and free in the world. I will admit, there are exceptions. These are not the fault of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. These are the fault of politicians and a public so woefully ill-informed. These are the fault of moral cowards.We have the ability to destroy cities from a far but instead remove our enemies by hand.I know that there will be few outside of the United States that wish us a Happy Memorial Day. Instead of focusing on them, or on politicians, or journalists, or anyone else, I will choose to remember the fallen and be grateful that there are still free men who will die in our defense.
I originally chuckled a bit at this. As I was writing it, though, it became less funny…
From the Gospel According to Obama: 14 For the kingdom of me is as a man travelling into a far country, who considers all his own servants, and counted unto them their goods.
15 And one had five talents, another had two, and another had one; every man had according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.
16 Then he that had the five talents went and traded with the same, and made himself another five talents.
17 And likewise he that had two, he also gained another two.
18 But he that had one went and digged in the earth, and hid his money.
19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.
20 And so he that had five talents came and brought another five talents, saying, I had owned me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.
21 His lord said unto him, hmmm, thou greedy and unpatriotic servant: thou hast been stingy over many things, I will make thee ruler over fewer things: suffer thou the wrath of thy lord.
22 He also that had two talents came and said, I had owned me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.
23 His lord said unto him, hmmm, thou greedy and unpatriotic servant; thou hast been stingy over many things, I will make thee ruler over fewer things: suffer thou the wrath of thy lord.
24 Then he which had the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art a wonderful man, bringer of thine light, and giver of great wealth:
25 And I was rapturous, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.
26 His lord answered and said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord:
27 Thou oughtest therefore to borrow more money from the exchangers, and then at my coming we should all have more.
28 Take therefore the talents from the others, and give it unto him which hath one talent.
29 For unto every one that hath shall be redistributed to, and they shall have great abundance: but from those that have been redistributed from shall be taken away even that which he hath.
30 And cast ye the profitable servants into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I am building the forums for Survivors of the Virus and should have it and the blog engine integrated within the week. The ads are still a bit problematic but that is really only a problem for me.
One of the projects that I have been working is a fictional story:
Survivors of the Virus
It is a post-apocalyptic novel heavily inspired by the fictional worlds created by Richard Matheson (I am Legend), Steven King (The Stand), Terry Hayes (Mad Max series), among others.
I am still working through some of the technical issues with Wordpress, advertizing engines, and the layouts. (It is meant to be read as a story in a weblog format but the oldest entries appear at the bottom.) I am correcting these issues while posting the story.
My release schedule for entries tentatively is Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
Anyone interested should read the entries in the following order:
Author’s Note
Narrator’s Note
The Worst Call
He’s Still Not Here
No title
Worldly Possessions
I will link them when I have the permalinks working. In the mean time, they can be read by going to
The oldest is at the bottom. To read them as intended, you will need to scroll down then up as you finish each entry.
Shawn McManus
I have been “gently reminded” that not everyone may know or appreciate my sense of humor. I was told that those people may be slightly shocked that I would compare the DNC with Al Qaeda. For those that do not know my humor, please know that was a joke. For those who do not appreciate my humor, PTHPTHPTHPTHPTHPTHTPHT!
Here is one for you then:
Q: What is the difference between a Republican and a Democrat?
A: A Republican will, to your face, bribe you with your own money. A Democrat will, behind your back, bribe everyone else with your money.
Question: What is the difference between the Democratic National Committee and Al Qaeda?Answer: One is a secretive organization Hell bent on destroying the United States and our way of life and conducting coordinated attacks against us costing trillions of dollars. The other is Al Qaeda.
I know it has been too long since I have posted. I have been busy and it looks like it is only going to get busier. Since I do not have any me clones lying around, I shall continue the sucking of it up.
Too many things have been happening as of late though to not make at least cursory mention.
The first: Many conservatives I know have stated that they harbor no ill-will toward Obama and that they wish him success.
If the measure of “success” is how much of his agenda is implemented as was enumerated on or, then I do not. I wish him little success at all. Outside of pursuing Al Qaeda, I cannot think of anything on his agenda I would like to see implemented. In fact, I wish him to be the failure that we have been told George W. Bush was/is by every TLA news agency for the last eight years.
The second: I do not much buy into the conspiracy theories around the oath of office being repeated. I have heard that the second oath was not taken with a Bible.
I am of the opinion that anyone who has as little regard of the Constitution as Obama has (see or for evidence of this) is not going to be bothered in the least by violating his oath of office.
It will probably be sometime before anyone finds a Bible in the White House now as well.
The third: Hey Republicans in Congress! Lock arms! We lost because we, as a party, are not conservative and you did not fight for our principles.
It is impossible to out-liberal democrats and we should not even try anyway.
One audacious hope that I have is that enough of you have discovered how this game is being played. Only allow those items that are solidly based in our Constitution to be made law. Block everything else. Even if it is for “the good of the country”, block it. Do not let the Democrats in Congress or the President receive credit for anything. Do not do anything about social security. Do not do anything about infrastructure.
This means sub-trillion annual budgets. This means states and local governments will have to take action during emergencies. This means you will finally be playing by the same rules as Democrats and for once, that might actually be good.
The fourth: Late night comedians, Pelosi, Reid, et. al. Give It Up! George W. Bush may well have fouled a great many things as President. However, he is more and will always be more like Abraham Lincoln than Obama.
Lincoln was extremely unpopular but held the nation together despite incredible difficulties.
George W. Bush has been berated and ridiculed globally by every media form imaginable. Yet, the United States has not been attacked* since 9/11 and has not become a police state. Many may argue the latter but the freedoms we still enjoy are undeniable.
I can only see both the United States being attacked as well as gross abridgements of our freedoms under an Obama administration.
Additionally, for the comedians… The “W” jokes are amusing at best but have long since lost their humor. At least try to develop some original material. Failing the latter, please choose a different mark.
George W. Bush deserves a lot of criticism but for entirely different reasons.
*I realize that the United States embassy in Yemen was attacked in September of last year and that the embassy is considered U.S. soil. When I say “has not been attacked” I am primarily referring to States and the Capitol. I should also be noted here that the organizer of the attacked was released from the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center in 2007.