Friday, October 26, 2007

She's Outta Here

I have not posted in quite a while for a number of reasons: I have been busy with family. I have been busy with work. I have been working on a number of other interesting-but-not-going-on-my-blog things. Also, I have been annoyed with Blogspot repeatedly losing my draft posts.

I wrote this one three times and “lost” it three times. I am smart enough to do draft versions on my computer and then post it but did not get around to it until now.

In any case, this was about Kay Bailey Hutchison and her stance on amnesty for illegal aliens. She stated that she was less than supportive of a wall.

I understand that Senators are delegates and not representatives. However, the people of Texas are not going to send her to delegate for them in the future. Like Rick Perry, she will be voted out of office if she runs again.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

He's Outta Here

Texas Governor Rick Perry needs to find a new job.

It was with much trepidation that he was elected in the last election. Just recently, on August 29th, he officially told Mexico that America does not need a border fence. He also called those opposing him as being "guilty of mean rhetoric."

Unfortunately for him, only the vast majority of Texas residents, Republican, Democrat, independant, yellow, brown, black, and white, oppose illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is on par with gay marriage in the State of Texas. (The amendment to the Texas Constitution formally stating that Texas will not recognize gay marriages was passed by 72%.)

In the last gubernatoral campaign, there were some running against him that held more conservative views. There were some that held more libertarian views. He was still elected but managed less than 40% of the popular vote.

The combined votes of the other two running as conservative independants made more than 30% of the popular vote.

Anyone that wishes to beat him - or keep him from running - in the 2010 election just needs to be hard against immigration and generally support otherwise conservative and/or libertarian values. It would help if he is in the Republican primary.

In the mean time, Governor Perry, please call Rudy Giuliani. He will need a Vice Presidential candidate.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Barbequing Sacred Cows

...and while on the topic of health care...

I know of Ann Coulter through numerous venues. I have, however, never read any of her books. It seems that they would be the kind that are churned quickly, poorly edited, have few pages, and have lettering with a big font and big margins.

I could be wrong. I am nearly certain that I would agree with her on almost any point. I may word things differently but then again, I may not.

For the moment, I will borrow one of her analogies and use her nearly exact words.

When she was critical of the 9/11 widows when they had supported John Kerry for President, she was attacked by many for speaking ill of them.

She then clarified what Democrats were doing and why she was critical. She said that democrats will use anyone that they can, preferrably with the worst "sob stories" to get support. She said that they do this for two reasons: People will feel sorry for them and side with them and also, they cannot be rebutted. It becomes politically incorrect to rebut them. Anyone speaking against them is painted as a bigot or racist or as callous or a Bad Person.

These are sacred cows.

The North Vietnamese did something like this during the Vietnam War. If they could not win militarily, they could at least win a propaganda victory. If the Democrats cannot win with logic; they must resort to using sacred cows that may not be refuted.

In this case, their "cow" was a child by the name of Graeme Frost. (If his name is misspelled, then it is misspelled across the internet.)

They had him speak on a radio program for a childrens' insurance program, SCHIP. He declared that it kept him recover from brain injuries after an accident. Anyone speaking against him, or even questioning his validity and eligibility was immediately attacked.

Nancy Pelosi said of Rush Limbaugh, "hate radio has made a vicious attack."

NRO was asked, "Why do you hate children so much?" That is a question like, "Are you still beating your wife?" Only a full response can be given to answer it but, at least with Democrats, it falls on deaf ears.

This leaves those who are less patient to light a fire and set to slaughtering the sacred cows.

One option that was not mentioned by Graeme Frost was the possibility of a charity assisting the family. This would not sit well with the "nanny statists" who would argue that a government entitlement program is needed because, "there may not be a charity that would offer that." It does not sit well with the power drunk socialists who will not abide others providing for the children's healthcare - much like they hate people who protect themselves.

It would be nice if neither were an option but if only given the two, I would rather Graeme Frost suffer from brain damage than the taxes of others used to pay for his therapy.

I do not hate kids, but I do hate sacred cows.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

SCHIP and Dips

I have to break from many of my fellow Republicans again.

In Washington, I have Representative Michael Burgess and Senators John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison. A conservative really could not ask for much better. Although I am.

Usually, Senator Hutchison rates a bit lower than her counterpart or my Representative. So far, on the topic of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (Should that not be "Childrens'"? - I took it straight from the government site.) she has been mute. That is better than both Burgess and Cornyn.

I will start by saying that I would like for the Federal Government to be rid of the business of health care and insurance. At best it destroys what could be a good market for private discount insurance companies. At worst, it takes the property of others and creates an entire class of government dependants.

Both of my so called conservative Congressmen support it.

Even Representative Burgess touts it as being Constitutional. I realize that there is nothing specific in the constitution prohibiting a federal health insurance program but there certainly is in general terms:

From the Constitution of the United States of America

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

First the program would include poor children and then the near poor. After that it would include poor adults and then near poor. Eventually, socialist doctrine would win and everyone would become a ward of the state, and subject to the terms of it, all in the name of "health."

Redistribution of wealth may have been a noble act when fighting Anglo tyranny in 1200's. Today, it is theft, regardless of whether or not it is illegal, by way of breaking into someone's house, or legal, by way of taxes. And when implemented by the latter means, it is tyranny.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Lesser of Two Weevils

I guess I can take great comfort in knowing that, as a conservative, come the time of the general election, I will really only have one choice for President of the United States.

Democrats may have to choose between Hillary and Al.

That is kind of like have to choose between the Antichrist and the False Prophet.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Phony Politicians

I find it ridiculous that a Senator is engaging in a war of words with a talk-show host. Specifically, I am referring to Senator Harry Reid and radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh. Reid has accused Rush Limbaugh of saying something that he did not say.

When he failed to eliminate Rush from the air, he, in true Democrat fashion, tried to humiliate Rush. That is, he insisted that Rush apologize for any misunderstandings from what he may or may not have said. (By the way, this tactic is used often in the Middle East and in Far East Asia. If you fail to beat an opponent, do what you can to humiliate him.)

I may agree with Senator Reid on some issues but for the most part, I believe him to be a charlatan. The same applies to John Murtha in the House.

These men put forth rhetoric that in many cases is detrimental to the servicemen they claim to be supporting. Often, they are so over-the-top that one cannot but help question their sincerity and veracity.

John Murtha, or others in his name, use his military service to make him an authority on military matters. I have known many in the military and know that having been in the service does not automatically make one an authority. It provides a valuable insight but it is possible that the lowest private still has a better grasp on things than his captain. That is not likely but it can happen. A sergeant may have a better grasp on things than his captain. Now that is likely.

When in the reserve, one of my Marines went "UA." That means "Unauthorized Absence." It is often referred to as AWOL, or Absent With Out Leave, which is a type of UA. Had we been on active duty, he would have also been classified as a deserter.

It was odd for a man such as this to act in such a manner. He was promoted to Corporal ahead of his peers. He had received many Letters of Appreciation and also a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.

I had called him before and after each drill weekend. He would tell me that he would be there. He would offer the same excuse for missing each time: He was busy last time and could not make time from work, etc.

This was at the end of 1999 when many were making a lot of money and would not excuse themselves from their work for families, or church, or the like.

I drove to see him - four hours and a speeding ticket there - in an attempt to "bring him back." I found that he was managing two chain restaurants and opening a third. This was his career. I understand that running a restaurant can be demanding and that opening one is more so. To me, that was still no reason to break his contractual obligations, not to mention his sacred oath.

To him, that was what "paid his bills" and was therefore where his heart should lay. He briefly made reference to his past good work with the Marine Corps.

I collected his uniforms and gear and explained that given his desertion, his previous good work "bought him nothing."

He was later given an Other Than Honorable discharge.

That is how I view John Murtha and Harry Reid and many others in Congress. Despite what good they may have done in the service, or private career, or even in Congress, their words and actions taken against our servicemen and against the United States of America make them Phony Politicians.