Thursday, February 22, 2007

Get Sam Johnson Out of Congress!

...and into the White House.

This is a pretty powerful message:

Sam Johnson is not my representative. I would not mind and in fact may like it very much if he were my Commander in Chief though.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

When It Is Time

The article was published in 2005 but the salient points are still spouted as gospel.

The idea of public gun ownership simply does not make sense anymore.
It is no longer safe for the public to carry guns.

So long as guns remain available to the general public, there will always be the threat of terrorists walking into a crowded restaurant, a busy coffee shop or a packed movie theater and opening fire upon unsuspecting civilians.

The Second Amendment is not worth such risks.
Our liberties are worth such risks.

Doing the math, even using his statistics, does not justify banning gun ownership. He states that 9,000 people per year in the U.S. are murdered. I am not going to refute that although it can very easily be done. But even if that is the case, that still amounts to 0.0032 percent of the population, just over three one-thousandths of one percent.

He states that 41 percent of houses in the U.S. own guns, then calls gun ownership a "special interest." 41 percent is not a special interest but is a "general interest." If 41 percent of houses in the U.S. where athiests and The Powers That Be decided everyone should be a Christian, would that 41 percent still be a "special interest" to him?

He says now is the time to ban civilian gun ownership.

I say that when there are no more robberies, rapes, car-jackings, hi-jackings, and mall shoot-em-ups; when there are no more people killing each other for any reason at all; when all governments let people live and only have to arbit civil disputes; and when going to the gun range is no longer fun for anyone, is the time to ban civilian gun ownership.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Gathering and Sharing

...or was it Borrowing and Sharing? One lament from the Hobbits in the Shire was that when the communists, I mean Saruman, took over, his henchment - called Gatherers and Sharers - did more gathering than sharing.

Here is another one from Hillary talking about taking the property of others:

"The same -- the same is true with energy independence. The Democrats know what needs to be done. Again, we're working to try to push this agenda forward. The other day the oil companies reported the highest profits in the history of the world. I want to take those profits and I want to put them into a strategic energy fund that will begin to find alternative smart energy, alternatives and technologies that will begin to actually move us toward the direction of independence!"

The Democrats do not know what needs to be done - or rather if they do know, are not going to do it. We have oil, coal, and several other energy alternatives that are so highly regulated that to implement them would be illegal and/or unprofitable. The only way the Democrats would lift these regulations is if they could benefit politically from it. If they are lifted with a Republican president, then he might look good and they believe that will make them look bad. Lifting them and attaining energy independance would also mean that government would have to come up with another reason for "gathering."

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Just a quick jab at Pelosi and her "culture of corruption" hypocrisy. So far she has

1. Changed rules on eliminating taxes. This is corrupt in that it does not require existing laws to be respected or removed by a traditional procedure. That may not be a problem in some countries but not here. This is corrupt in the same way that changing the rules in the middle of a game so that one can win is corrupt.
2. Violated Congressional ethics standards with her family charity involvement.
3. Pressured the DoD to give her an Air Force plane at the tax payers expense with full amenities. This is the most corrupt, in my opinion, so far. I see the need for the Speaker to have a secure military jet in times of national emergency. However, this smacks of fraud, waste, and abuse.

And I Voted This < radio edit > Back into Office?

Gov. Rick Perry signed an executive order requiring girls entering into sixth grade to get the HPV vaccination. This is wrong on so many levels and the fact that he was the "conservative" candidate just makes it all the worse.

My response: "Hey Governor Perry! Go Pound Sand!"

Apparently, the same crowd that caws "keep your laws off my body" about abortion were in favor for this.

My Senator, Jane - I couldn't ask for better - Nelson, was quick to respond with diplomatic common sense.

My daughter, in sixth grade this year, will not be getting this vaccine. There are so many reasons not to do so. If that means I am breaking the law, sobeit. I may get in to the reasons for Why This Is Bad later. In the mean time, if I happen to see Gov. Perry, I'll congratulate him on winning the election and his many impressive accomplishments. Then I'll kick him in the nuts.

UPDATE: Apparently I'm not breaking the law. He is still a nincompoop for it though. I will definitely have to get in to the reasons for it but for now, Gov. Perry, your nuts are safe.