Saturday, March 19, 2005

An Open Border with Mexico

I could support an open border between the U.S. and Mexico if all of the following are met:

1. Americans are allowed own land, including coastal land, in Mexico.

2. Americans are allowed to carry firearms in Mexico. Americans are given similar protections as Texans are when defending themselves and their property.

3. Mexico takes an active part in the security of the United States, such as stopping terrorists on the U.S. Mexico border.

More on each to follow...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Second Blog (a.k.a. First Blog v 1.1)

From Reader Mike McDaniel at Kim du Toit's site*.

My wants:

1. Formal acknowledgement of the 2nd Amendment as an individual right. Criminal prosecution for any Federal, state, or local official attempting to implement or enforce a law in violation thereof.

2. National preemptive act. What legitimate interest the Government has in firearms - keeping them out of the hands of felons and the incompent, maybe proof laws - should be purely at the Federal level. A preemtive act kills the crazywork quilt of state and local laws, many of which are far more repressive than the Federal regulations. Besides, it’s a backup for #1.

3. National shall-issue carry. With specific provisions that CCW cannot be prohibited in public places. Yeah, I know that #1 overrides, but let’s go with belt-and-braces. And a backup gun.

4. Reform of the National Firearms Act of 1934. In particular, repeal of all amendments passed AFTER 1934. We can buy off on a background check for people buying a machine gun, but the business of not being able to manufacture has driven prices into orbit.

5. A national range construction program. I see tax dollars being squandered on baseball fields and basketball courts - how about spending a few of MY tax dollars on ME for a change.

* The above is the copywrited material of Kim du Toit (his name may be copywrited as well - I don't know, I've never published anything before and don't know if names are automatically copywrited or if it is just the names of the sites**.)

** Actually I know the site is copywrited*** but I'm not posting any of his content with the exception of the above content which was from a thread on his blog. I don't recall seeing that saying about "any reproduction has to be pre-approved in triplicate..." but I'm sure it's there somewhere and suppose I'll find out soon enough if I'm sued****.

*** If you haven't already, you should check out the site. Start off by reading The Gun Thing essays.

**** Although that would be a complete waste of time. Remember the first law in litigation: "Never, ever sue poor people."

First Blog

Gun Rights agenda:

1. Get open carry across the United States.
2. Get interstate agreements for CCW. E.g. a concealed carry permit in Texas will allow for concealed carry in Florida.
3. Get CCW in every state.
4. Get gun manufacturers to produce an affordable (less than $300) military style rifle in multiple calibres and configurations.
5. Get highschool and college competitions, winter and summer biathlons, and mass sponsored events with said rifles.
6. Get non-permit CCW passed in every state, like what was recently passed in Vermont. (Law officers should just take it for granted that anyone that they pull over is carrying concealed and that carrying concealed IS NOT BAD. Many of them are already trained to do so.)

Other plans:
Make checking a weapon on board an aircraft easier.
Make transporting ammunition easier. (Folks going the the Boomershoot would find this handy.)
Push the mentality that every responsible adult should carry. (Beslan wouldn't have happened if all of the parents had been armed. Fewer children would disappear from playgrounds if more parents there were armed.)
Make public ranges as common as public basketball courts. There's a good use of tax dollars. And if I had an apartment complex, I'd have a private range just as I'd have a private gym and laundry.